03CSDEMO.ZIP 982,505 01-17-96 Mesa Verde Screen Saver. Spanish for 'GreenMesa'. This collection of five photographsis concentrated on an area of SouthwestColorado; the huge rock rising out of thevalley floor is the home of the mysteriousAnastasi I
6PACK_B.ZIP 174,330 02-02-96 Screen Saver Six Pack. 6 screen savers withpassword protection to save your screenfrom prying eyes and image burn-in.Includes: Shredder, Gridlock, Pearls,Squares, Poxy and Zap.
ABOOL23B.ZIP 181,173 02-16-96 Boole Text Searcher v2.3b. Search, displayfiles and directories. Auto save settings.File preview window. Many options to tailorsearches. Supports AND OR conditions. Useeditors.
AD302.ZIP 450,576 01-03-96 Anno Domini v3.02. View a monthly calendarbetween the years 1753 and 2153, nationalholidays for the UK, USA, Canada, Europe,Australasia, Christian festivals, moonphases and sunrise and sunset times for anylocation.
ADDAPP40.ZIP 236,560 01-16-96 Add Applications v4.0. 32-bit applicationfor migrating Program Manager groups.Supports NetDDE on any Microsoft networkplatform. Search for applications, createand maintain Program Manager groups, saveand restore deskt
ADVENT96.ZIP 732,661 02-09-96 Advent96 for Win 95. Advent calendar thatplays a different Christmas carol anddisplays a different Gospel verse eachDecember day through Christmas.
AEGWIN10.ZIP 138,110 03-08-96 Automated Episode Guide shows you exactlywhat an A.E.G. Is. The demo programfeatures one full season of episodeinformation from each of the 8 automatedepisode guides.
AHANDY12.ZIP 813,980 01-04-96 Handy for Windows v1.12 <ASP> Over 30utilities and games including Typing Tutor,Unit Conversions, Cheque book totaller,Font Utilities, Graphic Utilities and ArtyFun, 7000 Year Calendar, World Clock,Timer, US State Cod
AJ95V110.ZIP 150,685 02-07-96 Amazing JPEG Screen Saver v1.10 for Win95/NT. The perfect product for all thosethat love and collect JPEG images. Pointthe screen saver at any directory.
AJPEG110.ZIP 143,155 01-30-96 Amazing JPEG Screen Saver v1.10 for Windows.
ALARM95.ZIP 245,425 01-25-96 Alarm 95 for Win 95. Complete alarm programthat lets you schedule one time alarms orrecurring alarms. Recurring alarms can beset to occur daily, weekly, monthly oryearly.
ALARM_.ZIP 51,641 02-11-96 Alarm! for Windows 95 beta 1. Simple alarmprogram which plays a wave file of yourchoice!
ALLCHREN.ZIP 42,790 03-10-96 Allchars v1.2. Makes the characters notfound on your keybord easily accessiblewithin Windows programs. Just hit theCtrl-Key and two characters togetherdefining the special character. You can addand change these defini
APPBAR93.ZIP 28,583 03-01-96 AppBar for Win NT/95 Beta. Simple, fast andeasy-to-use menuing system.
AR_V13.ZIP 82,795 02-11-96 Action Required v1.3. 32-bit program thatallows you to post single line remindermessages to yourself (or anyone else) viaelectronic mail. It sends a simple mailmessage w/a subject line containing textyou provide to an
ASTRCK21.ZIP 401,892 02-15-96 Astro-Clock v2.1. Multifunctional clock,alarm and astronomical sage. Shows sun andmoon (showing phase) rising and setting inreal-time, sky changes color as it shouldetc, etc! Features: complex alarms, chimes,snooze an
ATTRMENU.ZIP 16,582 01-14-96 AttrMenu for Win 95. Shell extension allowsyou to directly access a file's attributesfrom its context menu (right click on thefilename w/right mouse button). Fourcommands are added to the context menu ofany file.
AYL32.ZIP 206,196 02-01-96 After You Left v3.2. Screen Saver wherebarious Insects collect a variety of foodfrom your computer for their party. Abeautiful inscribed board where you canleave your message to your visitors will becarried into the P
BAT95.ZIP 183,832 01-04-96 Batch95 v1.1 for Win 95. Enhances the shellby allowing full use of DOS batch files.
BATT12WN.ZIP 683,008 02-05-96 Classic Battleships v1.2. Media Albumscreen saver featuring 15 photos ofmonitors, cruisers and battleshipsc.1885-1910. The first, U.S. Battleship,the famous Maine and the monitor Puritanare included.
BHMEDIA2.ZIP 205,402 01-23-96 Media Player v2.0. Plays various multimediafiles. Formats supported include: WAV, MID,RMI, AVI, FLI, FLC, AAS, DIB, BMP, ICO andRLE.
BKGRND.ZIP 20,762 02-16-96 Backgrounder v2.2. Changes your desktopwallpaper as often as you like. Select theinterval, decide whether center, tile, orstrech the selected graphic & the utilitydoes the rest; Runs from System Tray.
BTQKB11A.ZIP 270,933 01-03-96 Quick Bar v1.1a. Allows `One Stop Shopping'of all Tasks currently running on thesystem, Popup Menus for predefined Tasks,and it allows you to import your ProgramManager Groups so you will never have to'Switch' back to
BTW23.ZIP 193,574 01-15-96 Button Works v2.3. Comprehensive task barthat both launches and/or activatesapplications with a single mouse click. Youcan easily add new apps using drag anddrop, and it can be configured to appearunder Program Manage
BTWINMGR.ZIP 220,473 01-17-96 Windows Manager v1.5a. Control Panel appletthat allows you to customize your desktopenvironment. It lets you change Help textcolors, DOS screen lines, and icon titlewrapping, add security options to ProgramManager and
BURP_V_3.ZIP 19,859 02-04-96 Burp v3.0. Replace the recycle icon with aburp.
CAL401.ZIP 1,401,604 02-24-96 Calendar v4.01 for Win 95/NT. Desktopcalendar features multiple calendars, viewa full year at a glance, enter text on daysand more.
CALYPS10.ZIP 514,359 03-04-96 Calypso v1.0. Win 95 interface for Win 3.x.Displays files and folders as icons inmultiple windows, file managementfunctions, drag and drop, shortcuts, bin,file searching, cascading start menu, andmore.
CATAL1U.ZIP 3,564,300 02-02-96 Disk Drive Catalog utility for Win95.
CB202TRL.ZIP 842,459 03-08-96 Clickbook v2.02. Full demo version ofClickBooks. Formats your text files forprinting to booklets, cards, brochures, CDjewelcase inserts and more!
CD55W95F.ZIP 21,318 02-04-96 Teac CD Rom Win 95 driver for 4x Super Quad.
CDALARM.ZIP 1,498,464 02-04-96 CD Alarm for Win95. Set alarms to playtracks from a CD and/or sounds.
CDMINIBR.ZIP 225,882 01-27-96 CD Minibar v1.2. Useful tools grouped intoone tiny application. Includes: CD Player,Calendar, Disk Pie Graph, Set Time, checkpath and directory, and Windows Resourcegraphs. Easy to use. Install and go. Fullycustomizab
CDPLAY23.ZIP 122,014 01-24-96 Deluxe Audio CD v2.3. Features includefloating remote control for working inother apps, timed CD playing, slick 3Dbuttons, artistic look and feel and more.Visually resembles a real CD player.
CDR96V21.ZIP1,083,058 02-01-96 CDrunner96 v2.1 for Win 95. Designed tomake the digital life easier for all of us.Makes Autorun/ Autoplay behave as itshould. While active all you now have to doto run that favorite CD is put it in thedrive!
CHKMATE.ZIP 1,227,150 02-24-96 CheckMate! Installation management packagethat will report on all changes made toyour system upon installation of a newapplication. The report will include anyfiles added, removed, or changed by theinstallation.
CHK_D620.ZIP 162,162 02-16-96 ChkDisk v6.20 for Win 95. Displays all yourdisks status.
CLCTLK31.ZIP 475,644 01-27-96 Clock Talk v3.1. Clock with alarms, CDplayer and more!
CLINE95.ZIP 28,940 01-11-96 Command Line95 v1.0 for Win 95. People wholike to use Win 95 applications but missthe DOS style navigation will love CommandLine95.
CLIP220.ZIP 117,475 03-06-96 Clipwatcher v2.20. Traps as many as 18 textclips sent to your clipboard while youedit, then you may use the internal editorto drag and drop from one to another or tothe printer. Has a very powerful editor,now has calc
CLPBDPLS.ZIP 105,837 01-25-96 ClipBoard Plus for Win 95. Clipboardenhancement. Saves your text clippings forlater use.
CLPPRN11.ZIP 39,756 01-02-96 Clipboard Print v1.11a. Print text and BMPsthat are copied to the clipboard. It canrun as a small 2 button form, or as anicon. Other funtions include clearingclipboard contents and running theClipboard viewer.
COLORIZE.ZIP 9,008 01-15-96 Color Cursors for Win 95. 20 colorfulcursors.
CRTS110.ZIP 452,914 01-10-96 CRT Spray v1.10. Enhances the capabilitiesof SCR screen savers. It lets you runscreen savers in any directory you want andalso scan hard drives, floppy disks, CD-ROMdisks, and network servers for additionalscreen save
DCOPY30.ZIP 40,913 02-25-96 DiskCopy v3.0. 32-Bit program for creatingduplicate disks. Unlike Explorer, whichneeds to read the source disk for each diskyou wish to create, DiskCopy prompts youfor the number of copies you have in mind,for quicker
DD32_1_2.ZIP 32,639 01-28-96 Datum Directory v1.2. Unix `LS' clone butwith an added feature of colorising theextentions so as to make recognising offinding files quicker!
DESKLIST.ZIP 14,576 03-04-96 Desk List v1.03 for Win 95. Taskbarenhancement. You can add icons to the taskbar tray.
DF95_20.ZIP 576,225 02-12-96 Drag and File for Win 95/NT. File Manager.Copy, move delete from multiple windows.Lists files from tagged directories ordrives. Shows duplicate files. Powerfulfile filters. Synchronize directories.Creates short cuts.
DIMAG200.ZIP 319,179 01-04-96 Disk Image v2.00. Displays and prints agraph of your disk space utilization, bydirectory or extension.
DISCAT12.ZIP 277,402 01-05-96 DisCat v1.2. Reads and stores allfiles/directories stored on floppy disks.
DISKR152.ZIP 197,307 02-18-96 Diskers: Disk/File Duplicator v1.52. Easyto use disk to diskette copy utility.Create diskette image files from floppys.Use them to re-create the originaldiskettes at a later time.
DK100B04.ZIP 50,652 02-14-96 Deskey v1.00.004 for Win 95. The ultimatepower user's window manager. Hide/unhidewindows! Save, apply, auto-apply windowpositions, with full shortcut key support!
DM13_0.ZIP 166,537 02-07-96 Documill screen shots and list of features.Documill is a complete Document ImagingManagement System.
DM13_1.ZIP 1,412,181 01-31-96 Documill v1.3. Versatile document imagingmanagement system that combinessophisticated send and receive Fax,scanning, import, export, file formatconversion, document management andprinting functions in a single applica
DM13_2.ZIP 1,458,102 02-09-96 Documill v1.3. 2/4.
DM13_3.ZIP 1,105,940 01-31-96 Documill v1.3. 3/4.
DM13_4.ZIP 336,523 01-31-96 Documill v1.3. 4/4.
DOCMAN21.ZIP 116,354 02-22-96 DocMan v2.1 for Win 95. Extends thefunctionality of the Documents folder inthe Start menu. Open documents, load/savedocument lists, remove one, some, or alldocuments, protect documents from removal,add documents and m
DOCVU12.ZIP 278,917 01-24-96 Infothek DocView v1.2 <ASP> Image viewerfor document imaging systems. Easyintegration with virtually any database.TIFF format and compression. Many othergraphics formats are also supported.
DRVMAN14.ZIP 121,281 03-12-96 DriveMan v1.4 for Win 95. Provides a quick,comprehensive, and convenient way to accessand care for the various storage devicesavailable on your computer.
DSKSLN14.ZIP 267,690 02-03-96 DeskTop Solutions v1.4. Screen Saver,wallpaper and system sounds sequential andrandom changer. Main Toolbar can launchselected applications.
DUPFINDR.ZIP 96,406 01-17-96 Duplicate FileFinder. Scan multiple drives/volumes for duplicated filenames. Itpresents you with a list of all duplicatedfilenames, with file date/time stamps, filesize, and full path.
DV95_12.ZIP 664,284 02-12-96 Drag And View v1.2 for Win 95/NT. Viewfiles with right button. Edit text files.Views most popular database, wordprocessor, spreadsheet, graphic and multimedia formats, plus also ASCII and HEX.Copy to clipboard, print,
DZ20_NT.ZIP 145,935 02-06-96 DeZkTop v2.0 for Win NT. Program Managerreplacement package allows you to createmenu windows for your applications, withnested folders of any depth.
EASYIC95.ZIP 150,044 01-07-96 Easy Icons 95 for Win 95. Extract and editIcons from .DLL and .EXE files.
EEZI.ZIP 6,299 01-14-96 EEZi Timer - Stops you from using thecomputer too long or to make sure you cansee your favorite TV show! It can TimeCount Down and has an Alarm function too!
EIW232.ZIP 136,237 01-22-96 Encrypt-It v2.32. Secure encryption programfeaturing three way proprietary and DataEncryption Standard (registered version)encryption methods. Up to 1,000 files canbe encrypted, decrypted, or securely wiped.
EIW310.ZIP 352,031 03-06-96 Encrypt-It v3.10 for Win 95!
EPIP12WN.ZIP 802,635 01-05-96 Epiphanies of the Goddess v1.2. MediaAlbum/ Screen Saver with 15 visionarypaintings that are original computer art.Explore animal myths from a variety ofcultures, past and present, as they partakeof the divine feminin
ESYRUN11.ZIP 168,671 01-11-96 Easyrun v1.1. Minimal FilelauncherButtonbar designed to be small, quick andunobtrusive to Desktop Real Estate.Supplies 27 configurable buttons and a runbox with browsing abilities and a 10 itemrun history.
EXPLORE2.ZIP 554,389 01-09-96 Information Explorer v2.0. File managerwith the popular Win 95 interface, designedspecifically for Windows 3.1 and WFWG.
EXPRESS.ZIP 696,990 01-18-96 Search Express v1.1. Users can searchthrough thousands of Word Processing files,E-Mails, Faxes, Text files, Database filesand more to find the information needed.Also searches for files using wildcardparameters.
FASTFACT.ZIP 32,694 01-05-96 FastFacts Screen Saver (Weather Trivia).Displays `Facts' about a host of topicsduring idle time.
FC10.ZIP 90,343 01-09-96 File Compare Utility v1.0. Side-by-sidecomparison of two files with thedifferences highlighted. An editor lets youmerge changes from one file to the otherwith a few keystrokes.
FILEVIEW.ZIP 771,999 02-01-96 FileView. Organize your files in withouthaving to create deep directory structures.Track your important files by using a 50character description, then search byprogram and file type.
FIXREC.ZIP 61,671 01-31-96 FixRec v1.0. For the Windows for PenComputing operating system.
FONTTEST.ZIP1,010,474 01-11-96 Font Test v1.0 for Win95. View and printsome or all of your fonts. Its very simpleand easy to use.
FP211SW.ZIP 439,988 01-09-96 File Plus v2.11. Multi window file manager.
FPB20.ZIP 552,605 01-17-96 Font Package Browser v2.0. Comprehensivecross-reference to all Adobe font packages1-901; search by font name, file name,foundry or package # & much more; hascontext-sensitive online help.
FP_V61.ZIP 297,482 01-28-96 Flying Perfect v6.1. Screen saver where avariety of flying styles are provided. Youcan fly your own images. Includes a HuntingLand where flying arrows and bullets arehiting balloons and pumpkins and burst outhearts, s
FULLMO20.ZIP 131,684 01-10-96 Full Motion v2.0. Screen saver for AVI/MOVfiles. Plays your favorite video files, upto full screen.
FUNKYWOR.ZIP 31,171 01-17-96 Funky World Screen Saver v1.0 for Win95/NT. You need to be running in 256 colorsto see it, but it's awful pretty.
GC0196.ZIP 191,427 01-17-96 Garbage Can v1.96. Secure file deleteprogram guaranteed to make a deleted file,completely unrecoverable. Includes routinesthat process the `Slack Area' associatedwith a file. Also includes a File Managerextension vers
GCKWIN72.ZIP 483,085 03-01-96 GeoClock v7.2. Sunlight clock displays thecurrent sun position, and the parts of theearth in sunlight and twilight arehighlighted, with local sunrise/set andtimes around the world. Screen Saver andWallpaper modes are
GREP4WIN.ZIP 11,368 02-28-96 WINGrep for Win 95. Search the internals ofANY file type (just like in UNIX).
HDSLEEP.ZIP 51,861 03-04-96 Hard Disk Sleeper v1.20 for Windows 95.Control the Power Management of your IDEand Enhanced IDE harddisk drives even ifyour Computer BIOS does not support PowerManagement. Define suspend times for one orall drives.
HGREP150.ZIP 256,344 01-04-96 WinGREP v1.50. GREP searching integratedW/IDE's. Makes searching for strings andRegular Expressions simple and fast. It isintegrated with several different IDE'ssuch as Borland C 4.X, Delphi 1.X and MSVC1.5.
HIDEIT11.ZIP 75,590 02-23-96 Hide-It! v1.1 for Win 95. Hidesapplications Window, taking it off thescreen, off the Taskbar and off the Alt-Tabchain. Hides those Windows that you want tokeep open, but you don't need to monitorvery often.
HIDEWNDW.ZIP 13,403 02-03-96 Hidewindow v1.0. Hide and Unhide anapplication's window.
HLP2RTF.ZIP 91,969 01-15-96 Hlp2Rtf. Converts Help files to either aprintable format or recompilable formatincluding all bitmaps, jumps, macros,HPJ-options, etc. View Win 95 Help files onWin 3.1 machines. Both 16 and 32-bitversions are included.
HLPMKR32.ZIP 915,320 01-08-96 HelpMaker v3.2. Anyone who knows how to useMS Word 6.0 can create their own windowshelp files! Create regular topics, popuptopics, simple jump destinations, hypertextjumps, fixed regions etc.
HOTC12.ZIP 20,254 02-11-96 Hot Corners v1.2 for Win 95. Activate ordisable the screen saver by positioning thecursor in a user-defined corner of thescreen.
HTSPT16.ZIP 40,036 01-21-96 HotSpot v1.6. Screensaver utility createshotspots which will allow the user to turnhis screensaver on and off simply byplacing the cursor in a predefined corner.
ICNCT455.ZIP 403,603 01-17-96 Icons Control v4.55. Displays 100 icons ata time for quick viewing, printing,copying, renaming, moving, deleting,editing, converting, extracting using drag& drop, mouse clicks, hotkeys. Extractsicons inside DLL/EXE fi
ICNMVR24.ZIP 225,384 01-14-96 IconMover v2.4. Transfer icons from oneapplication to another; collect icons intoexpandable DLL libraries; create icons frombitmaps of any size; create bitmaps fromicons.
ICOHLIC2.ZIP 376,224 01-03-96 Collection of 1,000 Icons. Offered byAuthor as Freeware.
IFA400.ZIP 456,044 01-27-96 Instant File Access v4.00. Enhances theFile Dialogs of applicaions by addingFile/Directory recall, Long filenames,Floating file lists, File Managerfunctions, etc. Allows Win 3.1x apps togive assign long names to files
IMPCR27.ZIP 1,089,634 02-28-96 Image Master Plus v2.7 <ASP> Create apersonal screen-saver and image viewer withthis application tailored for amature andprofessional photographers, artists andillustrators. Can produce an attractiveslide show.
INIMASTR.ZIP 161,606 03-09-96 INI Master v1.0. Configuration Management.Gives you the power to compare like .INIfiles and discover their differences.
INSTGA20.ZIP 58,795 01-09-96 InstallGuard v2.0. Finds changes after andinstallation. Powerful and yet simple touse utility which tells you exactly whatchanges are made to your system when youinstall any DOS or Windows program.
INWTCH95.ZIP 347,227 01-06-96 InWatch95 v1.0 for Win 95. For those thattry out numerous applications. Trackchanges to directories, win.ini,system.ini, msdos.sys and Registry(system.dat & user.dat) from session tosession and during new application
IN_NT12.ZIP 483,747 01-27-96 Incredible Night v1.2. Screen saver whereyou can experience wonderful views underthe Moon: happy birds sing and glide overocean and sailing ships.
IN_SU46.ZIP 290,735 01-20-96 Incredible Sun v4.6. Screen saver where youcan experience wonderful views under thesun: happy birds sing and glide over oceanand sailing ships.
IZE100.ZIP 512,855 02-29-96 Ize v1.00 for Win 95. Here's looking atyou, kid! Fun program for your desktopprovides a pair of realistic-lookinganimated eyes that follow your mouse cursoras it moves across the desktop.
KEYEX110.ZIP 338,415 02-10-96 Keyboard Express v1.1 <ASP> Keyboard Macro.Simply enter in text or auto-capture foreasy playback. Assign up to 288 hot keyswith up to 5000 keystrokes each. Easilyadd, modify, delete and copy hot keys.
KSINK.ZIP 456,192 01-01-96 Kitchen Sink v1.70. Features an extensivelaunch facility that may be locatedanywhere on the desktop, Maintains Calendarnotes by date with search facilities. Texteditor, Wallpaper scheduler, CD Player, gifand jpeg view
LFNSNW11.ZIP 204,713 01-06-96 LFNsNow v1.10. Use long filenames with mostWindows 3.x programs running under Windows95 including MS Word 6 and MS Excel 5.
LS9512.ZIP 9,749 01-04-96 LS for Win 95. Multi-format directorylister for the DOS box. Supports Long FileNames.
LS_NT16.ZIP 27,246 01-28-96 LS for Win NT. Similar to DIR, which givesadditional info about files and dirs suchas owner, group and permissions associatedwith each file and directory.
MA101.ZIP 143,832 01-12-96 Memory Analyst v1.01 for Win 95. Helps youunderstand how memory is managed.
MACROM13.ZIP 277,428 01-06-96 Macro Mania v1.3. Power User's Dream! Startprograms, switch to currently runningprograms, and send key-strokes to programswith one command, just as if you hadstarted the program and typed in the keysyourself.
MAILX100.ZIP 199,100 12-30-95 Mail Explorer v1.0 for Win 95. Uses theVfat file system to save Mail messages sothat Mail can be browsed with Explorer.
MCDESK17.ZIP 110,690 01-18-96 MoonComet Desktop v1.7A. Providesconfigurable multi desktop shell with apowerful task manager & folders; eachdesktop can have it's own backdrop and/orcolor; desktop password protection;animated icons; cut/paste and mo
MFI11.ZIP 61,163 02-08-96 Makes Files Invisible v1.1. Makes any fileor program you choose completely invisibleto those without your password! Otherscan't find, open, run, view, modify ordelete your private files. You'll haveinstant, complete a
MINALL.ZIP 14,090 01-17-96 Minimize All Windows. Minimizes all openwindows.
MKRTF104.ZIP 112,439 02-14-96 MakeRTF v1.04. Converts Texinfo files intoRich Text Format (RTF) files. You can usethis in conjunction with the Help Compilerto make Windows Help files from GNU manualsand other docs written in Texinfo.
MMEM4B.ZIP 298,365 02-27-96 MoreMem v4.0b. Device driver that fixesInsufficient Memory to Run errors whenloading program in Win 3.1. IncludesTopBar, a resource monitor and taskswitcher.
MOUSNG20.ZIP 169,570 02-17-96 MouSing v2.0 for Win 95. Create unusualsounds with your mouse. Like a Theremin,except uses mouse: left-right directionchanges pitch, up-down changes volume.
MTW32250.ZIP 159,457 02-21-96 MTWin 95 v2.60. Modify any kind of INI, GRPand NET.CFG files from the commandline.Usefull for networks, just place it in thelogin-script.